[Fredslist] Spring is Here: Buy a Tree!

Ellin Yassky medici18 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 29 09:19:41 EDT 2010

Spring is here and even if the green is slowly creeping into our accounts, it's budding all over outside. That means hope and progress!

I'd like to offer an opportunity for you individually, or through your company, to add some green to the world and support an educational opportunity (a win-win situation . . . my favorite).

In January of 2011, my 16-year-old daughter, Zoe, will be participating in a program called "TRY" (Tikun Ramah Yerushalayim). She'll be taking 2nd semester of her sophomore year in high school in Israel. Where do the trees come in? Good question.

"Plant Your Way" is a program through JNF (Jewish National Fund) that plants trees in groves that become forests that green the land of Israel that benefit ALL who live there. For every tree you buy, 1/2 the funds go towards Zoe's education, 1/2 put a beautiful sapling in the ground. I've actually planted them in the soil myself. It's a wonderful experience.

Donations are tax-deductible and can come from individual or corporate sponsorship. To contribute, Click here to visit my 
personal page.

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link, you can visit the web address:

Note: I ordinarily would refrain from putting through such a request, but as this is an investment in a child's education as well as an investment in the greening of a country that ecumenically effects so many of us, I thought it worth the exception.

Thank you and happy planting!

Ellin Yassky, Ph.D.
Medici Editorial Services, LLC
39 Woodbine Lane
Fairfield, Connecticut 06825
Ellin at MediciEditorial.com

Tu Ne Cede Malis, Sed Contra Audentior Ito
Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
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