[Fredslist] First Gotham Film Festival is a Knockout!

Elizabeth Marner-Brooks elizmb at tiac.net
Thu Apr 15 16:59:17 EDT 2010

It's great reading rave reviews after helping with an event---

-----Original Message-----
>From: BOB SCHIFFMANN <microwaves at juno.com>
>Sent: Apr 15, 2010 3:16 PM
>To: Gotham Networking <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
>Subject: [Fredslist] First Gotham Film Festival is a Knockout!
>Fred Klein Hosts the Red Carpet and a Fabulous Film Festival
>Who knew? Who knew that there are so many multi-talented people in Gotham? Well, we found out last night at Gotham's First (but not last I hope) Film Festival. If you were there you know what I'm talking about; if you weren't - shame on you and be sure to be there next year.
>Following a wine & snacks get together at Fred's office, we marched over to the Friars Club where an full-house of Gothamites were treated to a 1 1/2 hour group of nine independent films lasting from 1:48 to 12:58 minutes, and what minutes! Starting with a tale about coffee + a muffin + a good samaritan and a homeless man, the films ranged from serious and funny scripted films to longer documentaries, three of which were exceptionally moving. In this latter category were Cayce Crown's simple and beautiful images of African women of the Masai tribe in Tanzania & their babies: a silent film with the beautiful voice of Wilhelmina Wiggins-Fernadez singing a first act aria from Catalani's opera "Le Wally" (you can find it on YouTube - it was in the movie "Diva"). 
>Then there was " Retracing Jeneba" by Alex Reinach: the true tale a teenager from Sierra Leone who managed to get a scholarship to school in Norway, while country was torn by a brutal civil war, and returns to build schools and teach: "Education is the key to life"...."Education can transcend the problems of poverty"! What a film and, if he can get the funding, it will be made into a feature film. 
>Finally, there was the winner of the Documentary Prize: "Generation Gap" the story of former Gothamite John Isaacs, born in 1915 and died at the age of 92. What an extraordinary man he must have been (Fred - you were lucky to have known him so well). A star basketball player in the 1930s, he devoted his life to the youth of Harlem through the Madison Square Boys & Girls Club. He was beloved by children, teens, and adults who were exposed to his charm, sometimes tough love, his aspirations for them, his poetry, and more, all of which had to have enriched their lives. What a guy, and what a beautiful tribute.
>In the category Best Scripted film went to: "Alex's Last Day", a quirky film about a young woman, Alex, who has just broken up with her boyfriend and decides to commit suicide. What followed was funny and surprising as she asks an obliging neighbor for a rope with which to hang herself. It goes on from there and has a happy, though not expected ending.
>The overall audience favorite that won Best Picture (drumroll please as we open the envelope)  was "DAUD" written (with Patrick Daly) and directed by Joel Fendelman. It's the story of an Muslim boy living in an Iraqi community in Brooklyn. Working with amateur actors, Joel produced a tale of the struggle of that boy to remain true his religion and heritage when confronted by the attractions of young-boyn America - baseball and more. A sensitive film - well deserving of the prize.
>There's lots more, but I'll leave it there with some "who knew"s, i.e. 
>	- who knew that Nancy Schess is a knockout singer?  Nancy give up your day job and belt it out? 
>	- that there is a Gotham Anthem? We were treated to it as an encore film filled with Gotham's vocal and musical talent.
>	- that we would all have such a great evening, with free popcorn (provided by Fred - who else?)
>Thanks Fred!
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Elizabeth Marner-Brooks
Training The Speaking Voice
P.O. Box 237025
NYC, NY 10023

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