[Fredslist] FW: Turning Hip-Huggers into Tree-Huggers - Shades of Green Network Radio

David Marks - Shades of Green Network david at shadesofgreennetwork.com
Fri Oct 23 17:15:01 EDT 2009

Should be a good radio show next week. Jim Jubelirer is a great speaker. Not funny, but great! (Just kidding.)


Have a super weekend all!


David L Marks

Shades of Green Network™
P: 201.984.3413

Skype ID: davidlmarks 

 <mailto:david at shadesofgreennetwork.com> david at shadesofgreennetwork.com
 <http://www.shadesofgreennetwork.com/> www.shadesofgreennetwork.com

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Shades of Green Network Radio™
“Mind the Gap”: Bringing Consumer Demand to a Tipping Point
Monday, October 26th, 2009

Join Us on the Phone and Online: 
Phone number to call in: (347) 838-8999
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What is the "gap," you ask? The gap is not a trendy clothing store for hipsters, teens and tweens. The gap is that space where consumers step up to the plate of activism while they browse through and shop the lusty isles of the trendy jeans shop. I guess you could say it's where hip-huggers become...well...tree-huggers!

Jim Jubelirer is a researcher, consultant, and public speaker focusing on issues relating to sustainable business and climate change mitigation.  He has been focusing on the intersection between business and the environment for the past 20 years.  Jim is an expert on the public opinion polls that track consumer and citizen trends.

Businesses may embrace sustainable practices because “it is the right thing to do” up to a point.  However, they will not fully embrace the steps they need to take unless their customers demand it.  Customers are either indifferent, confused, or lack the basic information necessary to make informed decisions.  What is the underlying reality of consumer demand for green products? 

Our Hosts
Peter van Geldern and David L. Marks Co-Founders of Shades of Green Network™
Brought to you by: Shades of Green Network™ and Alternativeenergy.com


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Shades of Green Network LLC 

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 <mailto:info at shadesofgreennetwork.com> info at shadesofgreennetwork.com


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