[Fredslist] 10/28 Fab Presentation by Marshall Makstein (President of eSlide)

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Fri Oct 23 07:09:58 EDT 2009

Hi Gotham:

On October 28, 2009, Marshall Makstein, President of eSlide, will be  
presenting “Life by PowerPoint,” eSlide’s 3 SEE presentation design  
principles. In 20 minutes you will learn the 3 SEE design principles  
and 6 simple eSlide production rules for adding visual value and LIFE  
to your PowerPoint slides. This should not be missed!

S.E.E. – eSlide’s 3 Presentation Design Principles

1. Structure – how to organize your content for better retention
2. Economy – the secrets to avoiding clutter that obscures your message
3. Emphasis – designing a slide to direct your audience’s attention

Six eSlide Design Production Rules

1. Start with a good template
2. Avoid font fiasco fun
3. Edit ruthlessly, simplify
4. Less means more
5. Color can Kill or add life
6. Enhance with Art

Register for this free call at www.adriansnetwork.com

Adrian Miller
Adrian Miller Sales Training
516-767-9288 (office)
516-445-1135 (cell)

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