[Fredslist] Help: What to do with my iPhone on upcoming trip to Londom

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Sun Oct 18 13:23:33 EDT 2009

Hi Gotham:

Any suggestions on how to set my iphone or what type of international  
plan I should get for my upcoming one week trip to London.

I have heard/read many different things and all seem confusing.

I will be there for just one week. I expect to do some emails back and  
forth to the US but will not do much international calling.

Suggestions to keep my bill as low as possible?

I did not follow any sort of guidelines when I was in Greece for two  
weeks and my bill was $900+.  Ouch.

Thanks in advance,


Adrian Miller
Adrian Miller Sales Training
516-767-9288 (office)
516-445-1135 (cell)

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