[Fredslist] What I Learned From "The Boss"

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Wed Nov 25 15:35:08 EST 2009

No, this isn’t another article about observing your management team.  
It’s about what you can learn from the “Boss” Bruce Springsteen. Yep,  
that’s right. There are a handful of extremely helpful takeaways that  
all of us business people can learn from this veteran rock and roller.

Connect with Your Audience in a BIG Way
A Bruce Springsteen concert is never a quiet, low-key show. He works  
the crowd and plays his band like an orchestra. You can’t help but  
feel as if he’s singing straight to you, even in a sold-out stadium.  
Bruce gets it. Without his legions of devoted fans, he’d be just  
another guy from New Jersey.

In business, it’s just as important to make the connection with those  
around you. To grow long-term success, you, too, need devotees that  
truly believe that you’re working just for them. Build your fan base  
just like Bruce.

Be Real, Not Superficial
Even though Bruce probably has more money than some small nations, he  
still successfully projects an image of blue-collar,  
straightforwardness that you rarely see in other rock stars.

You just can’t envision him lip-synching a song on stage, nor wearing  
a sequined, glam get-up. Because he’s so good at what he does, there’s  
no need for distracting background dancers, dizzying light displays,  
or overly-synthesized songs. That’s just not Bruce. He writes and  
performs real music that’s straight from the heart. He wears jeans and  
a t-shirt and plays his guitar. No muss, no fuss!

Being down-to-earth is a good strategy for business, too. It doesn’t  
take a rocket scientist to spot the salesperson who is better at show- 
boating than really selling or the marketing director who has a knack  
for making a sub-standard product look very appealing in a  
presentation. Instead, the best approach is always honest and real.  
Having a reputation as someone who isn’t full of B.S. will always work  
to your benefit in the long run.

Work Hard
Anyone who has ever been to a Bruce Springsteen concert knows that  
they can be long. While most performers tire and quit after an hour  
and a half, Bruce can go on for hours and hours. During one tour in  
the early 80s, his band consistently played nearly 40 songs over four  
hours each night. His tireless work ethic has definitely added to his  
popularity and mystique. When you buy a ticket to one of his concerts,  
you know you’ll definitely get your money’s worth.

Bruce has found success through hard work, and so can you. By putting  
your hours in, you’ll not only improve your skills, you’ll establish  
yourself as a roll-your-sleeves-up type who is willing to do what’s  
necessary to get a job done.

Be a Perfectionist
Like all rock and roll stars with staying power, Bruce Springsteen  
makes performing look easy. He just picks up a guitar and plays,  
right? Not hardly! His “E Street Band” has up to nine performers on  
stage that all must work in synch to create the incredible music that  
they’re known for. This requires tremendous amounts of time  
rehearsing, practicing, and fine-tuning. Want to be a business rock  
star? Perfect what you do and then make it look easy.

Over Deliver
At the core of every performance is Bruce’s desire to do anything and  
everything to make his crowd happy. Even now at 60 years old, he works  
the stage and makes his way into the audience just as he has done for  
decades. He takes audience requests for songs and belts out each tune  
with the enthusiasm and vigor of someone half his age. Of course, he  
rarely ends any show with less than a five song encore. Why do many  
fans almost consider his concerts “pilgrimages” that they couldn’t  
dare miss? It’s because he consistently over delivers, always leaving  
them feeling like they’re truly appreciated.

Are you going over and above the call of duty and providing more than  
expected with your prospects, clients, and colleagues? Take it from  
“The Boss”, if you’re really “Born to Run”, you’ll make it your  
passion to over deliver, too!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Adrian Miller
Adrian Miller Sales Training
516-767-9288 (office)
516-445-1135 (cell)

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