[Fredslist] Harlem/GNC & Body Shop

Zahn, Bari bzahn at torys.com
Mon May 25 17:47:03 EDT 2009

Hi All,

Does any one have connections with someone in marketing at GNC and the Body Shop or in particular at the Harlem stores, as I believe that I have a great marketing oppotunity to offer.  

I am creating (in partnership with two dear friends of mine, who own www.asknolimits.com), a one day health and wellness conference in connection with Harlem Week's Harlem Healthy Living Initiative. There will be 100 people at the  conference with average net incomes of $100k+. Businesses, such as NYSC and GNC will be partcipating. Sponsor companies will generate visibility for themselves, while participating in an incredible event. So, with that in mind, I am looking to reach out to the Harlem Locations of GNC and the Body Shop to see if they would be interested in participating.  Also, if you know of any other businesses in Harlem (or the sourounding neighborhoods) that might be interested please let me know.  I think this is a great opportunity because for many companies, Harlem represents untapped market share. 

Thanks in advance for any leads and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Much Gratitude,

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