[Fredslist] How to get in front of your prospects

Randi Busse randi at workdevgroup.com
Mon May 4 15:49:44 EDT 2009

I am a member of a LinkedIn group called Sales Playbook.  This was posted on
there today.  Thought it was worth sharing.

Happy Prospecting!




Here are 25 ways to creatively get in front of your prospects!

1) Get a giant cookie from your bakery and have them write "I want to take a
bite out of your business"
2) Make a humorous Top 10 List as to why someone hasn't returned your call
or why they would want to do business with YOU!
3) Send a lottery ticket with a note that reads "Why gamble on (fill in what
you do)" When you call to follow up have some fun and ask them if they won!
4) Get some sunglasses, a cd with some good rock songs and print up some All
Access Passes they can use for a tour of your facility. Play on that theme
with a message like: "I take pride in making my clients look like rock
5) klutz.com has a superhero starter kit complete with mask, cape etc.
.Consider sending that to a prospect as a follow up to the rock star
6) Go to  <http://www.choconet1.com/chocolate-foot.html>
http://www.choconet1.com/chocolate-foot.html and order chocolate feet for
$2.50 ea. Send them to your prospects with a note that reads "I'd like to
get a foot in the door"
7) Try this two step approach: Leave a voicemail that you will be in the
area on (date) and will stop by with some things of value and to say the
worlds quickest hello. Take a gift bag and fill it with some literature, a
pen with your logo, a pad, your business card etc. Drop by to see your
prospect and present them with the goodie bag.
8) Purchase one of those prepaid cell phones. Send it to your prospect and
tell them a time you will be calling on it.
9) Take that letter you were about to stuff into an envelope with your
company name and logo and use a colored envelope, hand addressed instead. It
will resemble personal correspondence and have a higher probability of
getting opened,
10) Take a picture of you staring at the phone with a caption "Wondering if
today is the day you will call me" Fed Ex it so it arrives separate from and
doesn't blend in with the other mail.
11) For a more personal touch when sending information, place post its with
handwritten notes.
12) Next time you are rejected on the phone, but you at least had a friendly
conversation, send a handwritten thank you.
13) Send greeting cards at off holidays (July 4th, Labor Day, Halloween,
Thanksgiving etc).
14) Craig Wilson has a site that has cards for all occasions that can be
customized and sent out for you. http://www.soclink.com/connectwithcards
15) Jenny Craft from Apple Graphics drops off carnations for all the moms
she has as prospects the Friday before Mother's Day.
16) We're Puzzled! Print a piece of paper with the words, "We are puzzled as
to why we have not heard from you." Cut the paper into puzzle pieces, and
mail it to your prospect.
17) Call the wrong extension and ask for your contact. Once they tell you
that you have the wrong extension, ask to be transferred. Transferred calls
look different on the caller ID than typical calls and you might just get
18) Send them a humorous letter with options as to why they haven't gotten
back to you. You can even create a while you were out message.
19) Leave the following vm off hours "(name) This is (your name) with (your
co name) and no, your time stamp isn't playing tricks on you. It really is
(insert time here) Just wrapping up some things for one of my clients and it
made me think of you. Let's talk about how I can be working overtime for you
and your co. My number is blah blah freakin blah" Note the "freakin" is
20) For your local prospects: Send them a letter telling them you pass their
facility every day and it drives you crazy that they aren't your customer
21) Have someone video you doing a quick 3 minute intro of who you are, and
a kick ass elevator speech. Tell them a specific day and time you will call
to set appt. Include popcorn and candy to make it festive.
22) T.G.I.F. Kit: Create a kit of fun things for your prospect. Perhaps some
candy, funny sunglasses, a funny book or comedy cd, etc. Drop it off nice
and early. Write your cell number on your card so hopefully you get the
thank you call before you are out of the area.
23) Have some cheesy fun by picking up any or all of the following and
tailoring a corny message: Payday candy bar, mints, Mounds, seeds, nuts etc.
Example attach a note to a Mounds candy bar with a message centered around
you saving them mounds of extra work etc.
24) Add this phrase to any of the above "(name) If you think I'm working
hard to get your business, you are 100% right. Think about how hard I'll
work to keep your business!"
25) Ask yourself this question every day: "How will I be memorable today?"


Randi Busse
Workforce Development Group, Inc.

Customer Service Training & Coaching
Partnering with you to turn your customers into raving fans! 

 <http://www.workdevgroup.com> www.workdevgroup.com
 <mailto:randi at workdevgroup.com> randi at workdevgroup.com
Tel:  631-598-5598 

Fax: 631-598-1988


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