[Fredslist] Goldhaber GOLD!

Cayce Crown info at thecrownview.com
Fri Mar 27 13:09:06 EDT 2009

When I was just a babe in the Gotham woods I had the pleasure of  
videotaping Gotham's 10th Anniversary Gala.
It was there that I first heard the golden tones of the fantastic  
Marcus Goldhaber.

Last Wednesday I had the great opportunity of hearing him again.
Marcus had hired me to record his show (is this a great job or  
what??!!) Thank you Gotham!

Other members of the Gotham Elite were there:
Jack Halpern and his lovely wife; Bambe Levine and, of course, the  
Pearl Mesta of the evening,
Dr. Gerry Goldhaber, who seemed to treat everyone who attended with  
warmth and graciousness.

I'm certain there were other Gothamites present, I just haven't met  
you yet!

The surprise guest was Marcus' mom who came on stage(with some  
audience cajoling) and played an original composition.
It was easy to see where Marcus got the seeds of inspiration for his  

Did you know that Marcus not only sings all those great jazz tunes  
magnificently, he also WRITES gorgeous tunes!

He was backed up by the multi talented Jon Davis Trio, Jon also co- 
wrote some of the tunes with Marcus.

The point is, DON"T MISS HIS SHOW.
There's another one coming up, watch your Freds List.

A guaranteed wonderful evening.

Cayce Crown
The Crown View, Inc.
314 West 19th Street
Suite GA
New York, NY 10011
646-452-3595 phone
646-485-5232 fax
info at thecrownview.com

"The Crown View, shooting your friends and relatives, so you don't  
have to." ™

See NYC from your desktop!

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