[Fredslist] movie

BOB SCHIFFMANN microwaves at juno.com
Sun Mar 22 13:46:45 EDT 2009

We just saw Duplicity" the new film with Julia Roberts & Clive Owen,  
written & directed by my neighbor Tony Gilroy (also wrote & directed  
"Michael Clayton"and wrote the screenplays for the Bourne movies).  
It's a lot of fun - basically about corporate espionage, but more  
importantly about two spies (Roberts - CIA; Owen - MI6) that questions  
whether they can ever have a relationship if they are trained never to  
trust anyone. Things keep shifting and never are what they seem - we  
loved it!
R.F. Schiffmann Associates, Inc.
149 West 88 Street
New York NY 10024
phone: 212-362-7021
fax: 1-316-221-4707
microwaves at juno.com

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