[Fredslist] traditional publisher/literary agent

Ian Greenberg ian at showmedia.com
Tue Mar 10 08:40:39 EDT 2009

Hello Gotham,


I need to show some Gotham Magic for family.  I am really hoping someone can
pull out a wand and please help to make this happen, I also think she would
be a GREAT South Jersey member.  If  anyone knows a Literary Agent who
represents historical romance writers  and/or a traditional publisher who
publishes historical romances.  (She is not looking for self-publishers or
POD publishers.)  I have put Patti's information below you can feel free to
contact either her or me as I will be seeing her for brunch this weekend. J.
I am assuming someone knows somebody.  It would be very much appreciated,
and I can prove the power of Gotham Magic


Please contact Patti at
pcatacalos at comcast.net  



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