[Fredslist] weather forecast for CT/Westchester event tonight

Judy Heft judithheft at optonline.net
Wed Jun 17 07:55:38 EDT 2009

The rain is proving to hold up here in the Hinterlands of Stamford, CT. If
the uncertain weather forecast was holding you back, don't fret. He rain
isn't coming until much later tonight. Please join us at the Crab Shell
Restaurant on the water from 5:30 to 7:30 at 46 Southfield Avenue, Stamford
Landing, just minutes from the train station. We have about 30 plus
Gothamites and their guests coming. Cash Bar. Join us for some informal
networking and get to know some of your fellow Gothamites from all over the
tri state area. 

Make your membership work for you. One meeting each month (or less) doesn't
do it. Get to know people on a more personal level. 


Debbie Lindner will be joining us as well so let's show her how we do it in
the burbs. And again, NO PAPPARAZZI please! 


I am looking forward to meeting some new friends and reconnecting with old




Judith Heft & Associates, LLC

Bill paying and daily management for busy individuals

office 203-978-1858

fax 203-978-1857

cell 917-494-3986


 <mailto:judy at judithheft.com> judy at judithheft.com

LinkedIn profile: <http://www.linkedin.com/in/judyheft>

P please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 



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