[Fredslist] Queen Sized Adjustable Bed w/ Massager: Brand New; Best Offer ASAP

elizmb at tiac.net elizmb at tiac.net
Fri Jul 31 03:16:15 EDT 2009

Hi Go

Am moving out of storage (Hooray!).  This $4,000 bed cost me $2,500 (with my trade-in).  I slept on it for only a week before moving out of my apartment.  
If you or anyone you know might like to sleep on this Comfy, Great bed, please let me know asap.  My deadline to move out of storage is this coming Wed. August 5th.  
Do you have an  elderly parents who might enjoy the comfort,  health (better circulation of the legs/veins, for one thing), & ease of sleeping and relaxing on adjustable bed?

Knowing what Gotham achieves, I have faith in the process of Gotham and the caring of Gothamites.  

Please, call me or email if you are the one or have any suggestions.;  I  get my messages with more regularity than with the Internetphone.

Thank you so much for any avenues that you might suggest.

Very best,
Elizabeth Marner-Brooks
Training The Speaking Voive
Diversity Group

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