[Fredslist] I doN"T like my Pre.

Phyllis E. Dubrow pdubrow at pipeline.com
Thu Jul 16 11:05:09 EDT 2009

To Joel Schnur and anyone who's considering a Pre:

I got a Pre on Day #1 and returned to my Treo within 2 days.  The Pre is
still connected; I'm thinking that sooner or later someone will have some
apps for it that are useful.  Meantime, my Treo does just about everything

Where to begin?  

No stylus or arrow keys.  How do you edit an email without backspacing and
deleting everything you've typed?  (There's a way to do that, but it's
slower and imprecise.  

Can't synch with my Palm desktop, which I'd thought was the whole point of a
Palm, from Pilot days forward.  (Might work with Outlook, but it's synched
via the internet.)

Everything is web-based.  Try using it when you're in the subway with no
signal.  (Doesn't work.)

Audible.com, ebooks:  Not available on the Pre.  I can use my Treo as a
modem for my laptop computer, with pdaNet.  Nothing comparable for Pre.  The
third-party program that's supposed to make old Palm apps work on the Pre is
only window dressing:  Only a few are actually compatible, and even those
were designed to work with a stylus, or arror keys -- which the Pre lacks.

On my Treo:  With pTunes, I can download and store .mp3s AND podcasts.  With
Kinoma, I can convert DVDs and mp4s and then watch them on my  Treo (or show
them around).   Who needs iTunes?

The Pre gets to the internet fairly quickly, but web pages are too wide to
read without sliding them back and forth.  You can shrink them, and then the
type is too small to read.  (On the Treo, the web pages fit the width of the
screen, exactly.)  

Email:  There's no way to delete 100 email messages (or 200, if you miss a
day) other than one at a time.

That sliding motion is interesting but slow and inexact.  I'd much prefer to
click through a series of email messages rather than slide them around.

My Treo freezes periodically or turns itself on and then wears the battery
down (I now carry a spare), but it's so much superior to the Pre,

Does anyone have a Centro?  Anybody LIKE the Pre?

Phyllis E. Dubrow | Attorney at Law | 230 Park Avenue, Suite 2525, New York
NY 10169 |T: 212-661-2885 | F: 212-409-8682| pdubrow at pipeline.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Schnur [mailto:joel at schnurassociates.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:24 PM
Cc: 'fredslist'
Subject: RE: [Fredslist] re: Blackberry Synching problems

Anybody with the new Palm Pre and willing to share experiences?
Sent with Wireless Sync from Verizon Wireless

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