[Fredslist] Medical insurance for an individual?

Phyllis E. Dubrow pdubrow at pipeline.com
Fri Feb 20 00:06:45 EST 2009

Dear, dear Gotham --


A friend's son has moved to New York and gotten a restaurant job that
doesn't provide medical insurance.  The young man (early 20s) had been
covered by a family policy, but its network only covers California.  A
complication is that the young man has had Hodgkins Lymphona, but it's been
in remission.  


My California friend would appreciate some advice on options.  There are
experts among us, I'm thinking, but I can't remember who.


Can someone remind me - or recommend someone who might have some ideas?








Phyllis E. Dubrow

Attorney at Law

230 Park Avenue, Suite 2525

New York, New York  10169

T: (212) 661-2885

F: (212) 409-8682


pdubrow @ pipeline.com


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