JanPresent at aol.com JanPresent at aol.com
Wed Feb 4 13:41:28 EST 2009

Lynn Nottage's new play, "Ruined" officially opens next Tuesday night, will  
be reviewed on Wednesday. It is at the City Center theater (the little one not 
 the big one) on West 55th Street, Row J is the last row.
You don't have to take my word for it. Read what Variety said when it  played 
in Chicago:
Lynn Nottage takes on one of playwriting's toughest challenges --  the 
dramatization of distant, gruesome political realities -- in her elegant and  
eloquent new work, "Ruined." Depicting the horrific toll sexual violence has  taken 
on women in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nottage balances the  
inexplicably awful with the ordinary, and even, in a carefully constrained way,  the 
hopeful. In director Kate Whoriskey's vibrant production, premiering at  
Chicago's Goodman on its way to an Off Broadway slot with Manhattan Theater  Club, 
Nottage values deeply honest characterizations over histrionic expressions  of 
outrage, to emotionally wrenching effect. 
I believe this piece has Pulitzer written all over it. One word of advice.  
Get as close to the front of the audience as possible. The actors do use  
African accents and you don't want to miss a word the beautiful dialogue. 
Disclosure: Yes, I know do the playwright, and her family, but I would  not 
be taking my time or yours if I didn't believe every word of what I have  said. 
Jane W.  Present
799 Park Avenue
Apartment 14 C
New York, NY 10021
Telephone  - 212-988-7602
Email - janpresent at aol.com
**************Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499. 
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