abonfiglio at psapartnership.org abonfiglio at psapartnership.org
Tue Dec 29 13:00:55 EST 2009

Hello and Happy Holidays Gothamites!

....many thanks for your ongoing interest in The Partnership for Student Advancement (PSA). 

PSA supports motivated, disadvantaged high school students and assists them in making a smooth transition from school to the workplace to ultimately achieving professional success and personal fulfillment.   

I’m writing to ask for your support at a critical time for PSA.Our basic strategy of opening a world of opportunity to less-advantaged young people in New York City is working.  In cooperation with their schools, our programs are helping these high school students see the way to a successful future.

The organization has just celebrated its five year anniversary assisting underprivileged and/or minority youth find and follow a suitable career path through use of skill and aptitude matching that they otherwise might not be able to identify or pursue.  

It has been a pleasure to observe the impact that PSA has had on the lives of our former students.  Our internships have been instrumental in helping them select and pursue the best career paths suited to their interests and skills.  Workshops and training sessions offered by a wide range of talented professionals offer real-world advice on the nuts-and-bolts of the business world from interview and resume skills to workplace behavior and much more. 

As I’m sure you are aware, your support will mean a great deal in this challenging environment.  The city and state cutbacks threaten the organization’s growth, and we greatly need help from our friends.  We’re hoping that you will make a tax-deductible contribution of any amount to PSA.  Let me know if you would like additional information.  Many thanks for your consideration and very best holiday wishes,
Donations can be made by mail to the Partnership at 10 Park AVe 7H, New York, N.Y. 10016 or on our website,www.psapartnership.org, by paypal or credit card.

Warm Regards,

Anne Bonfiglio
Exec. Dir.
212 684 0281

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