Real estate member Steve Kirschner shares his feedback [Fredslist] Gotham Appreciates Your Feedback

Debra B. Lindner debbie at
Tue Dec 22 08:33:40 EST 2009

Good morning Gotham:


Here is another story of Gotham feedback .. This one is from Gotham Real
Estate Group Member, Steve Kirschner.


"Fred - All I can say is that Gotham and Fredslist have enabled me over the
last 5 or more years to build relationships within our family network that
have already produced not only financial reward but more importantly true

friendships, ones that continue to grow opportunities that will surely
create ongoing rewards at greater and greater proportion.


I am constantly being contacted by people referred to me by my Gotham
friends and it feels wonderful to be able to help others as I have received
such sincere and generous support.


I am so grateful to be a member of Gotham and I intend to remain one until I
retire (which probably will never happen since I enjoy working too much) and
that has only been made more so  because of Gotham. Steve"


To learn more about Steve and his experiences with Gotham,  contact Steve at
skirschner at 


Thanks Steve.  We appreciate hearing the good news and look forward to
hearing from all of our Gotham members! if you have feedback to share, send
me an email (debbie at or let Fred know.



From: Debra B. Lindner [mailto:debbie at] 
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 9:24 PM
To: 'Fredslist at'
Subject: Bandit member Bruce Cholst share his feedback [Fredslist] Gotham
Appreciates Your Feedback


Hi Gotham:

I wanted to share the following "Gotham Feedback" from Bandit member, Bruce


"Good things come to those who wait.. In 2008 Gotham originated business
accounted for roughly 4% of my total book. It took about a year for me to
generate my first Gotham referral but then the flood began!"

To learn more about Bruce and his experiences with Gotham,  contact Bruce at
bruce at 


Thanks Bruce.  We appreciate hearing the good news and look forward to
hearing from all of our Gotham members! if you have feedback to share, send
me an email (debbie at or let Fred know.





-----Original Message-----
From: fredslist-bounces at
[mailto:fredslist-bounces at] On Behalf Of
fklein at
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 8:54 PM
To: Freds List
Subject: [Fredslist] Gotham Appreciates Your Feedback


We are about to share a lot of nice Gotham feedback. If the Gotham "Give"
has come around to you (be it business or human help) and you'd like to
share please let Debbie Lindner or me know and we will consider including
your contribution. Thank you. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry



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