[Fredslist] Source for GreenStreet LI story

Jill Tipograph - Everything Summer, LLC jill at everythingsummer.com
Sun Dec 20 14:25:33 EST 2009

I believe there are a few Green companies and marketers amongst we Gothamites. Below is a timely PR opportunity via a writer colleague of mine for anyone who has been involved in a Green event on LI. Please read below and respond to Jenna if you/your client specifically meets the criteria. Use my name if you contact her. 

Please respond to her by tomorrow, Monday, Dec 21. 
Jill Tipograph 
Founder / Director
Everything Summer LLC

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

-----Original Message-----
From: Jenna Kern-Rugile <jkern1 at optonline.net>
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 12:51:36 
To: 'Jenna Kern-Rugile'<jkern1 at optonline.net>
Subject: help for GreenStreet LI story



Hi friends, I'm desperate to find a LI person, family or organization that
had an event catered "green." IE, used local foods, non-disposable plates,
etc (all the elements of green) for an event they had catered at their home,
or another location.


They will be featured in the upcoming Resource Guide, under the "We Made the
Move' section (see greenstreetli.com, click on Resource Guides, and you'll
see what I mean).


Any ideas where I can find someone? Has to be on LI. Or, a Long Islander
that held an event in nyc would also work.


The story itself is written, but I don't have this element yet. It would
feature short text and a photo.







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