[Fredslist] Addendum to yesterday's excellent Diversity luncheon

elizmb at tiac.net elizmb at tiac.net
Wed Aug 26 21:21:50 EDT 2009

It's been pointed out to me by my well-educated and well-rounded daughter-in-law, Michelle Meyers Kupper, that the concept of the actual quote attributed to Audre Lorde at yesterday's (still) terrific luncheon presentation initially came from Mahatma Ghandi (1869-1948).

The wording is Slightly Different...

Lorde's quote: “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”

Ghandi's quote: "You must be the change you want to see in the world."

Lorde's personalized it more by changing the pronoun.  The "want"  is changed to "wish".  (Do you think one is more powerful than the other?)

You can find the original on this link: http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Mahatma_Gandhi/

Having worked and written for a newspaper in the past, and having reported the news on television, I am happy to rectify any mistaken information imparted and to be specific in my reporting.
Michelle, thank you for pointing it out!


Elizabeth Marner-Brooks
Training The Speaking Voice
P.O. Box 237025
NYC, NY 10023

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