[Fredslist] beautiful new crop circles this summer!

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Wed Aug 5 16:03:52 EDT 2009

Remember the Paranormal Group which had its first meeting last Halloween?
Well one of the attendees, Teri Bloom (Gotham Photographer-see Nancy's new
Blog photo as an example of her excellent work) forwarded the beautiful
photos below of recent crop circles.  Thank you Teri and keep up the good
work, but the question before the Tribe is whether we believe they are

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 08/05/2009 03:58 PM -----
             Teri Bloom                                                    
             <teribloom at mac.co                                             
             m>                                                         To 
                                       fklein at kleinzelman.com              
             08/05/2009 03:17                                           cc 
                                       Fwd: beautiful new crop circles     
                                       this summer!                        

Hi Fred,

Hope you're having a nice summer!
I know how much email you get so sorry to bother you ... but I also know
that you love to hear about cool things so if you don't know about the
"Crop Circle" Phenomenon, here's an intro...

In the wheat fields of England, every July and August, these beautiful
laser designs are etched into the fields overnight.
Its strongly believed that these are etched by extra-terresterial life --
as there's always some sort of radiation emanating from them and also the
individual strands of wheat are twisted in a way that's very difficult to
do.  These crop circles are many acres big and as you can see perfectly
executed -- also the crops that grow where the crop circles have been tend
to be more vibrant that the surrounding crops!

There have been many hoaxes with people making these but the ones made by
people don't have the radiation or the twisted wheat.

Normally the crop circles are symbolic messages, often about astrology,
astronomy or ancient symbols.
This is one of the best websites to read more:

They appear all over the world but the ones in England every summer get the
most attention.  The ones in this newsletter below are from the past few
weeks and are so pretty that I thought you might enjoy them.

See you soon and sending you all the best, Teri

      Begin forwarded message:

            From: Steve Alexander <mailinglist at temporarytemples.co.uk>
            Date: August 5, 2009 11:35:08 AM EDT

            Subject: temporarytemples.co.uk Update 34/2009
 www.temporarytemples.co.uk Update 35/2009                                
 (Embedded image moved to file: pic29658.jpg)                             
  Hello! Sorry we have not been in touch                                  
 Hello everyone,                                                          
 Sorry we have not been in touch for a couple of weeks. Our attention has 
 been taken up with our annual conference, which took place this weekend  
 just past. It takes a monumental effort to get the weekend together. But 
 we are pleased to report it went without a hitch and the sense of unity  
 and common purpose amongst speakers and audience was magical this year.  
 We will update you on the conference with some pictures in a later       
 newsletter, but we thought we would catch you up on the crop circles     
 1. This beautiful circle was visited as part of the crop circle tour     
 during our conference weekend. It had an exquisite weaved floor lay      
 which had to bee seen to be believed. We have seen this kind of floor    
 lay before, but not for some time. Please check out our image library    
 for some close-up shots.                                                 
               (Embedded image moved to file: pic22704.jpg)               
               East Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire - Wheat                
                              14th July 2009                              
 2. This triple Yin/Yang seems so apt for this year. Perhaps encouraging  
 us to realise that balancing the opposites is not what is required       
 anymore, what is really needed is for us to find a way to transcend them 
 - find a third way!                                                      
               (Embedded image moved to file: pic09930.jpg)               
            Grey Wethers, Marlborough Downs, Wiltshire - Wheat            
                              14th July 2009                              
 3. This very strange design at Liddington Castle, still has researchers  
 guessing as to its geometry and symbolism. This year has raced along at  
 such a pace that it has been impossible to give each circle the time and 
 contemplation they need. Looks like it will be a busy winter!            
               (Embedded image moved to file: pic13977.jpg)               
                   Liddington Castle, Wiltshire - Wheat                   
                              19th July 2009                              
 4. This utterly magnificent crop circle appeared close to Martinsell     
 Hill in Wiltshire. You will notice immediately that the pattern is cut   
 off along one side. This is the point where the circle intersects with   
 the edge of the field - leading some to wonder if each circle is crop    
 specific. It's a very interesting notion.                                
               (Embedded image moved to file: pic02306.jpg)               
            Martinsell Hill (Wooton Rivers), Wiltshire - Wheat            
                              19th July 2009                              
 5. Another stunning circle appeared at a curiously named place called    
 Smeathe's Plantation in Wiltshire. A truly majestic 12-fold crop circle. 
 It has some extremely interesting ground features which will will bring  
 to you in the new Crop Circle Year Book 2009 - later in the year.        
               (Embedded image moved to file: pic31673.jpg)               
                  Smeathe's Plantation, Wiltshire. Wheat                  
                              24th July 2009                              
               (Embedded image moved to file: pic22386.jpg)               
 Don't forget to check out our Image Library & Latest Images section on   
 the website.  Check here for many more views of the latest circles.      
 Important: We still urgently need to raise more funds for our flights... 
 Please, please don't forget out flight fund appeal. 2009 is still        
 continuing at a blistering pace and we desperately need more funds to    
 continue to fly.                                                         
 We cannot continue our work without support. If you can, please donate   
 to our flight fund. You can donate for as little as £5.00 and every      
 donation really does count.                                              
 Please send out this message to anyone who is interested in the circles. 
 For those of you that can, you can also sponsor a flight - please get in 
 email us for more details on this. Each flight costs in excess of        
 We would like to extend our grateful thanks to all of you who have       
 donated so far - we couldn't do it without you.                          
               (Embedded image moved to file: pic05021.gif)               
  IMPORTANT: It is sales of our yearbooks and other items from our online 
 shop that allow us to continue our work and indeed to be able to provide 
  our website and this newsletter for free rather than on a subscription  
     basis. You may not want to buy from us - but thanks for looking.     
  If there is nothing that interests you in this email please delete it.  
  And if you no longer want to receive these updates please use the link  
                  below. Don't can us in your spam box!                   
                               Thank - you                                
                               Best Wishes!                               
                              Karen & Steve                               
                                                   (Embedded image moved  
                                                  to file: pic28745.jpg)  
                                                    Click on cover for    
                                                      order details.      
                                                    It's Finally Here!    
                                                    Our brand new Film!   
                                                   DVD Companion to the   
                                                   Crop Circle Year Book  
                                                   This is the brand new  
                                                  film from the Temporary 
                                                  Temple Productions team 
                                                   who bring an artistic  
                                                   sensibility to their   
                                                   reportage of the crop  
                                                    circle phenomenon.    
                                                      Stunning aerial     
                                                    helicopter footage,   
                                                    ground footage and    
                                                   stills woven together  
                                                    with an atmospheric   
                                                  soundtrack. There is no 
                                                    narrative or voice    
                                                  over, just a beautiful  
                                                  tapestry of images and  
                                                   sound. Be transported  
                                                    into the fields of    
                                                  Southern England, into  
                                                      and around the      
                                                     magnificent crop     
                                                   circles of 2008 - the  
                                                    next best thing to    
                                                   being there yourself!  
                                                    Better still by the   
                                                   Companion Book - Crop  
                                                   Circle Year Book 2008  
                                                   to read our about all  
                                                    the circles in the    
                                                   Running time 45 Mins   
                                                       £15.00 + P&P       
                                                  Makes a fantastic gift, 
                                                      or sharing aid.     
                                                   (Embedded image moved  
                                                  to file: pic26924.jpg)  
                                                     For those of you     
                                                  interested in taking a  
                                                   pleasure flight over   
                                                   the crop circles this  
                                                       summer, Fast       
                                                   Helicopters can help   
                                                   you plan the perfect   
                                                   They have been flying  
                                                   the crop circles for   
                                                  over ten years and have 
                                                   extensive experience   
                                                      and expertise.      
                                                   The crop circles were  
                                                   meant to be seen from  
                                                   the air and a flight   
                                                    over the Wiltshire    
                                                    countryside in the    
                                                  height of the summer is 
                                                    a breathtaking and    
                                                  For more details click  
                                                   the button above, or   
                                                    visit their website   
                                                  Please mention us when  
                     Steve Alexander Photography, 27 St. Francis Road,    
                        Gosport, Hampshire PO12 2UG, UNITED KINGDOM       

 To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:                       
 (Embedded image moved to file: pic19072.gif)                             

***This e-mail is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. Secs 2510-2521 and is legally privileged. This e-mail, and any documents attached, may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is protected by the work product and/or other privileges.

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