[Fredslist] Scarsdale Mom

elizmb at tiac.net elizmb at tiac.net
Sat Apr 25 00:43:42 EDT 2009

My question: Who's the child here? I would pull the car over to the side of the road, tell the children that we're not going anywhere until they take "time out" and / or (just plain) stop fighting.  I would impress upon them that it is dangerous for me to drive with them fighting / egging each other on / whatever they happen to be doing that's disruptive to my concentration.  I would impress upon them ow important they are to me and that I need to be able to concentrate on driving so that we are all safe.

This mother appears to have acted out her own frustration and impatience which ultimately resulted in her competing with her children for the power position, by letting them know that she has the control, the authority, to abandon them.  Pretty scary threat for any child.  Possibly conflict resolution classes are in order? 

Siblings fight and tease.  Most often, they resolve their own conflicts if adults stay out of it.  That can be nerve-wracking in a car, so I reiterate my 2nd sentence.

I do have a child and a grandchild.  I also did a large portion of raising 2 much younger sisters.  I cannot imagine actually driving off and leaving any child.  I put myself in that child's place, and I wonder how much of that child's psychological and emotional make-up as a human being is changed because of this experience.


Elizabeth Marner-Brooks
Training The Speaking Voice
P.O. Box 237025
NYC, NY 10023

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