[Fredslist] Very disturbing call

Christopher Lamal clamal at lamal-law.com
Mon Apr 13 02:37:55 EDT 2009

It's around 2:30 AM and I don't what else to do right now but to send this
post to the list and some other friends.
I just finished a long phone call from an old friend I hadn't seen or heard
from for over ten years, one of the sweetest and smartest guys I've ever met
(a brilliant software programmer).  He  was under psychiatric care for the
last decade or so and had been living with his parents. He told me that he'd
taken himself off medication several weeks ago, left his family and is now
living in a motel.  He called me to ask whether I could represent him in a
lawsuit against the psychiatric establishment. 
I told him I'd call him back tomorrow to continue our conversation.  I asked
him what medication he had been on and had discontinured, and it sounded to
me that it was "Respico" and "Depico" (?) (haven't had a chance to look
those names up yet, if they exist).  
I won't go into the details, but I am still trying to figure out what to do
to best help him without betraying his trust. He is not at all violent and
is, in fact, a pacifist.  One thing I'll be doing tomorrow is to call the
mental health advocacy groups here in NY for guidance. (Although he's living
in PA)
What I'm looking for here are suggestions from professionals or others who
have had experience or first-hand knowledge of such situations, not simply
armchair commentary.  
Please send any responses directly to me at clamal at lamal-law.com, and not to
Chris Lamal
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