[Fredslist] Re: Monday Meeting Postponed

Gerald Goldhaber geraldgoldhaber at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 12 16:44:59 EDT 2008

I have decided to postpone our scheduled meeting for next Monday, Sept.15 to Monday, Oct.6 at 12:30pm at Fabio Piccolo Fiore's (230 E.44th between 2nd and 3rd Ave.).  Our speaker will still be Paul Ribaudo.  Please RSVP directly to me as to whether or not you can attend this rescheduled meeting of the Experts Group.  Thanks,  Gerry Goldhaber

 Gerald M. Goldhaber, Ph.D.
President and CEO
800 6th Avenue, Suite 26G
New York, NY 10001
(212)379-6661 (O)
(917)279-2303 (Cell)

----- Original Message ----
From: Elyssa Burack <eburack at Jurissolutions.com>
To: Gerald Goldhaber <geraldgoldhaber at yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 2:18:17 PM
Subject: Re: Monday Meeting

Thank you for the invite.  What is this 
meetings focus on?  I may be interested.
Elyssa Burack, Esq.
Co-Founding Partner
JurisSolutions, Inc.
Your Expert Needs in Our Expert Hands"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Gerald Goldhaber 
To: David Berger ; Scott Bloom ; Jaimee  Bracco ; Ruth Brayer ; Elyssa Burack ; Janet Cord ; Robert J.  Domaleski Jr. ; Guy  Erb ; Burt  Fendelman ; Randy Friedberg ; Michael  Garibaldi ; Raj  Goel ; Gerald Goldhaber ; Jack Halpern ; Ester  Horowitz ; Marc  Horowitz ; John Johansen ; John D. Katz ; Fred Klein ; Annie  Kleinschmidt ; Marc Lawrence ; Elliott  Lesser ; Paul Levinson ; Debbie Lindner ; Fred&#39;s List ; Victor  Maiorana ; Judy  Mines ; Marianne Mueller ; Geraldine Newman ; Richard Payne ; Susan Pickman ; Paul  Ribaudo ; Susan Sajiun ; Robert F  Schiffmann ; Alan  Schwartz ; Sheldon Shrenkel ; RitaSue Siegel ; Matthew Silver ; Bob  Sommerfield ; Eleanor E. Spring ; Lewis  Tesser ; Josef Volman ; Susan Weisser ; Joseph Wendler ; Rona  Wexler ; Michael Wiebe 
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:15  PM
Subject: Monday Meeting

Fellow  Experts:  Several of you have not yet let me know if you plan to attend  Monday's meeting at Fabio Piccolo Fiore's restaurant at 12:30pm.  Please  RSVP to me if you have not yet done so.  Thanks,  Gerry

 Gerald M. Goldwater, Ph.D.
President and CEO
800 6th Avenue, Suite 26G
New York, NY 10001
(212)379-6661  (O)
(917)279-2303 (Cell)

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