[Fredslist] Become a Man Whisperer NYC Event - Nov 15

Robert Morin RobertMorin at greystonevaluation.com
Tue Oct 28 12:51:21 EDT 2008

New York City Event
Saturday, November 15, 2008
9am - 7pm
Become a Man Whisperer

We've all heard of the famous "horse whisperers," men and women who can
take any horse, no matter how restless, wild, or temperamental, and
bring out its best qualities. By reading their body language and using
kindness and acceptance in dealing with the magnificent animals, these
experts achieve the extraordinary. Now, don't you wish you could do that
with the men in your life?

You can.

Did you know you have been coaching men all your life? The question is,
are you coaching them to get you what want, or what you don't want?
Become a Man Whisperer and learn to understand men and speak to them in
their language, so you can have the connections and quality of
communication you desire with all the men in your life!
* Do it right: design the relationship that's right for you. 

* See your reflection: get clear feedback about how you come across to
men. What is your impact? What's working and what's not working? 

* The secret to cooperative relationships: coach your man instead of
criticizing him. 

* Understand your differences: and more than that, accept and appreciate

* Get what you want: know what you want, ask for it, and get it.

* Awaken your heart and sense of humor: reawaken your love and
appreciation for men.

CALL 917-913-3951 or email gigi at thefabulousfactor.com to sign up! 

New York City                   November 15, 2008

Fee: $300                                         Time: 9-7

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