[Fredslist] Online Gaming

Sergio Fernandez de Cordova sfdecordova at FUELOUTDOOR.COM
Mon Oct 27 00:47:52 EDT 2008


I am looking to get in touch with online gaming folks. Does anyone have any access or contacts to their Marketing Directors, CEO's or Managing Partners?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Please send intros or contact information please.

Best regards,

Sergio A. Fernández de Córdova | EVP
Fuel Outdoor | Real Estate, Government Affairs and Legal
149 5th Avenue, 11th Floor | New York, NY 10010
Tel: +1 212 796-4190 | Fax: +1 212 967-7337
sfdecordova at FuelOutdoor.com<mailto:sfdecordova at FuelOutdoor.com> | http://www.fueloutdoor.com<http://www.fueloutdoor.com/>

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