[Fredslist] Fall Fun in Fairfield

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Tue Oct 21 11:36:25 EDT 2008

Webmaster Mitch Tobol and I ventured out into the hinterlands (Old Greenwich)of Connecticut for breakfast with Barry Monies' Fairfield Group at the lush plush Hyatt. At the risk of offending other Gotham food courts, Mitch and I agreed (and we never agree) that it was the best Gotham breakfast we've ever enjoyed and it was capped off by New Haven member Sharon Rychlik's new champagne (she needs a NYS distributor). Barry ran an informative, interactive fun meeting where we got to greet old friends, Sherry Rivera rode the circuit from LI Women and a number of New Havens came on down. We had lots of fun and and enjoyed the ride the circuit cross pollenization. Thanks again Barry and GC Judy Heft. 
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