[Fredslist] October AgeWiseLiving 10/16 Teleseminar - Talking With Your Parents About Difficult Issues - pls share

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Fri Oct 10 11:39:46 EDT 2008

Hello along the network,
  My good friend and elder colleague Barbara Friesner is the world's foremost authority on managing eldercare issues and preventing unnecessary crisis. If you are encountering this problem or have friends who are, please pass along this invitation to this Thursday's 10/16 teleseminar.You will have provided a great service.
  Kelly Welles
  Co-chair Diversity
  Long Term Care Insurance Specialist 
Kelly Welles <KWelles at Prbinc.com> wrote:
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    Kelly Welles, LUTCF
  Price Raffel & Browne
  475 Park Avenue So. 18th Fl.
  New York, NY 10016
  212-867-7730 et. 329
  Cell: 917-626-8590
  Kwelles at prbinc.com

          To eliminate problems receiving or reading future issues of this newsletter, please add AgeWiseLiving at mail.vresp.com to the address book in your email program now.
          Next Week's AgeWiseLiving Teleseminar is a Must-Not-Miss! 

So many people have contacted me for advice on how to talk with their parents about their financial situation. They told me they tried to talk with them in the past but were unsuccessful so they put the conversation off for "another day". Now they realize they have to talk . . . and they have to talk now!

I absolutely agree! This is the time for clear, calm, logical conversation. But where to start? And how do you keep the discussions calm, cool, collected? 

Don’t worry . . . . This is not a "gloom and doom" teleseminar. In fact, quite the opposite! This teleseminar is all about helping you and your aging loved ones communicate effectively so together you can 
  ·  Determine where they are today 
  ·  Make good critical decisions
  ·  And work together to successfully plan for the future
  Join this month’s no-charge AgeWiseLiving teleseminar and learn how!
  “Attending” this NO CHARGE teleseminar is easy and convenient!
  At 7p EASTERN Time
Wednesday, October 15th
Just relax, put up your feet, and call
(269) 320-8400 ~ Conference Code: 742785# 
  "See" you then!
PS> Please do share this invitation with anyone you think will benefit. Thanks
  The Ultimate Caregiver’s Survival Guide
  ·  Are you struggling with eldercare issues?
  ·  Is even knowing where and how to start keeping you up at night? 
  ·  Once you know what to do, are you dreading actually discussing it your elderly loved one?
  ·  Are sibling issues creating even more distress?

  Then you need The Ultimate Caregiver’s Survival Guide!

WITH OVER 150 PAGES, The Ultimate Caregiver’s Survival Guide – The step by step blueprint for resolving your eldercare issues by choice, not crisis – is a complete, step-by-step, do-it-yourself workbook. It includes all the necessary elements including worksheets, checklists, examples, instructions, and tips so you can successfully address the whole spectrum of eldercare issues – including sibling issues – so you can resolve your eldercare issues by choice, not crisis.

Special Bonus: When you order The Ultimate Caregiver’s Survival Guide, you will also get the 3-CD set of the AgeWiseLiving Expert Series. So in addition to getting the step-by-step blueprint for resolving your eldercare issues by choice, not crisis, you’ll also get important information about how to work with an elder law attorney, a personal financial planner, and advice from a relationship expert. 

Remember . . . 
  If you’re waiting for a better time, don’t! 
There is no better time than now!

For more information and to purchase your copy, please click the link below.
  Click Here To Purchase
  Please do share this information with anyone you think will benefit by clicking the "forward to a friend" link below.

Please go to www.agewiseliving.com/contact-barbara.htm, fill out the CONTACT information, and click on "SUBSCRIBE". (Then please be sure to add "AgeWiseLiving at mail.vresp.com" to your address book.) 

Please go to www.agewiseliving.com/contact-barbara.htm, fill in your name and new email address, put your old email address in the comments section, and click on CHANGE EMAIL ADDRESS.

Please do share this newsletter with anyone you think will benefit. Simply click on the link below!
  Click here to forward this email to a friend

110 E. 57th Street
Suite 16E
New York, NY 10022
(877) AGE-WISE
  Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.


Optimizing Personal Financial Assets
Kelly Welles, Managing Director
(917)626 8590
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