[Fredslist] Database Needed - pro bono

sfzinder at aol.com sfzinder at aol.com
Sun Nov 30 21:38:37 EST 2008

Gotham - here is a test for our Gotham IT people - -

I work at a local hospital as the General Counsel, and I am urgently in need of a "matter management" database system to keep track of a number of issues related to billing and other items related to our legal expenses.? I have prepared an outline describing the information I am trying to gather and track, and was told that the outline contemplates a relational database (I was thinking of getting something in Access) - what that means as to the complexity of what I want I leave to you.? The problem is that while there are commercial products out there that would probably meet my needs, given the significant financial constraints facing the local hospital community, I have not been able to get it into our capital budget, and realistically I won't be able to do so.??? In the meantime, I really need a working database.

So... I need some probono database creation - - if you can create it? - it will be a donation to the hospital (which is a real 501(c)(3) organization) and so I believe we will be able to provide a donation letter for your taxes (which I hope should help) - I also note that if you can create it -? I will be happy to serve as a reference for what will hopefully for you be future paying jobs.

If you can do this, or know of someone who can - - - please let me know - the database would really help the organization track and trend a number of important data elements - the system really is needed by the organization.? But on a personal note - having a working data base would really help reduce some real personal stress.

Hoping Gotham can come through for me


Susan Zinder
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