[Fredslist] [promo] Inter-Generational Relations: Economically Sustainable Workforce in Transition - November

Phyllis Weiss Haserot pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com
Thu Nov 20 23:19:52 EST 2008

Best Thanksgiving wishes everyone!!

Some thoughts on the times we live in as we remember what we are thankful for. Make lemonade!

Welcome to

Phyllis Weiss Haserot's



November  2008


Achieve Economic Sustainability from a Workforce in Transition

Given both the demographic realities of a huge Baby Boomer workforce and a severe economic downtown that almost everyone was unprepared for, the viability of long accepted retirement and transitioning policies and practices are rightfully being questioned. This e-Tip contains excerpts from my remarks on the "Workforce in Transition" at the Aging Workforce conference held in New York on September 18, 2008.


My business focus is on improving the working relations among the four generations in today's workplace to achieve better productivity, retention, succession planning and business development results. The issues are as fascinating as they are frustrating and complex - because they are about human beings and their responses to the cultural, economic, political and social forces that shape them.


>From a human perspective we are dealing with multi-generational challenges and inter-generational tensions that are mostly different and greater than ever before in the workplace. They affect the older workforce in many ways, including:


Ø      Older workers may be reporting to managers of a younger generation, which can be uncomfortable, not only because of status and ego, but also because of differing communication styles and media, perceived work ethic, facility with technology, different attitudes toward teamwork, and more.


Ø      Generation X and Y/Millennials often hold misperceptions and stereotypes about the Boomers and their work ethic and life objectives, and vice versa. They may feel their values differ. They may feel the older generations are technology Luddites and workaholics and talk too much, for example.


Ø      There is a cultural chasm: the Boomers are often resented because of their higher pay and clout by the younger generations who don't respect authority predicated on a person's just being around a long time. Gen X and Y don't believe they should have to pay their dues. Younger workers are super-eager to take the reins, control the client base, and make decisions their way.


Ø      And then there is what I have coined "the Baby Boomer Flexibility Paradox," that is, the Boomers want flexibility as much as younger people but most managers have no models they feel confident will enable them to maintain expected productivity standards for their work teams. Consequently they appear reluctant to change.


Briefly, what are some solutions?


Ø      Organizations should offer flexibility in not only hours and locations, but also staffing and talent development - based on business plans and coordination with work teams of all ages and levels of workers. There is a solid business case for this. Turnover is very expensive. Retention of most desirable talent will increase substantially with flexibility - as long as there is no stigma. And stigma is greatly reduced when flexibility is offered to everyone who can make a business case for it. In poor economic times, it makes even more financial sense for employers.


Ø      Second, facilitate dialogue within multi-generational work teams - which is where understanding and change happens. We need to go beyond presentations for awareness and resolve concrete issues where they live - in teams that work together. In my experience facilitating these dialogues, "ah ha" moments and transformations occur.


Ø      For situations where older workers are reporting to younger managers, institute mutual mentoring and mentoring circles; capitalize on age diversity (expertise, judgment, relationships, creativity, differing views of the world); enforce a culture of respect.


Ø      Institute a knowledge transfer and succession planning process for all critical positions at all levels. While there is widespread lip service to this as a high priority, it has not been backed up with much action. Here are some further thoughts on this urgent need.




Working with professional service firms and knowledge workers for over 20 years, I observed for many years the increasingly 24/7 work pressures to succeed and the vocally expressed - as never before - desire of Generations X and Y/Millennials for work-life flexibility. I realized that the younger people, whom I had a lot of sympathy for, would not get what they wanted in the workplace unless there was something in it for the senior people, who had put in a lot of hours for a lot of years. Putting myself in the management and seasoned workers' heads and shoes, I started looking at their career future and saw that they were not planning their eventual transitions to a subsequent career life destination or devoting adequate attention to succession planning and knowledge transfer. The two main reasons were: time pressures to get their current work done and develop business; and denial of the need for eventual change. 


But firms are in danger of losing valuable clients and knowledge without succession planning and a smooth transitioning process. They also risk losing potential next generation leaders if they are not brought into the succession process early.


To address this growing need, my firm developed a 4-part process (www.nextgeneration-nextdestination.com)  for firms/organizations to institute from the standpoints of both the organization's productivity and the individuals who will be facing a career transition - that is, to an extended career in whatever form and perhaps, eventual retirement. 


Especially in today's economic environment with little expectation of returning to "normal" anytime soon, succession planning along with capitalizing on the expertise, judgment, relationships and interpersonal skills of seasoned workers is no frill. It is a necessity!


We can't redo what is. Join me in making lemonade.


Please continue to send your thoughts, comments and stories my way.



© Phyllis Weiss Haserot, 2008. All rights reserved.


Check out *Next Generation, Next Destination*, our blog about transitioning planning and the generations. Visit, comment and subscribe by RSS feed or e-mail. http://www.nextgeneration-nextdestination.com. 


For coaching, training and special programs on inter-generational relations and maximizing the potential of young professionals, call Phyllis for an exploratory talk or complimentary coaching session at 212-593-1549. See www.pdcounsel.com/nextgen.html and www.pdcounsel.com/about.html. We also provide *Next Generation, Next Destination* succession and transitioning planning programs and services for baby boomer senior professionals and their firms.

Phyllis is available to speak at your organization or at firm retreats on inter-generational relations and organizational effectiveness topics. Call or e-mail for a list of topics or to custom-tailor your own.

If you think our e-Alerts address significant issues requiring serious attention, please forward them to everyone you think would be interested. Upon request they can receive a complimentary subscription directly.  Send an e-mail to pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com with "Inter-Generational Relations" in the subject line. 

Publication rights will be granted with request for permission. 


Phyllis Weiss Haserot
Practice Development Counsel
Consulting/Coach to the Next Generation
Author of "The Rainmaking Machine: Marketing Planning, Strategy and Management for Law Firms" and "The Marketer's Handbook of Tips & Checklists"

* Next Generation, Next Destination*
* Cross-Generational Conversation*

Voice:: 212-593-1549
pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com  
please visit: www.pdcounsel.com  
and blog http://www.nextgeneration-nextdestination.com
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/generationalgenie 
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