[Fredslist] Producer/Shooter in TV

Ester Horowitz m2powerinc at bigplanet.com
Tue Nov 18 19:05:11 EST 2008


Dear Gotham Members

Below is my daughter, Alissa.  She just completed work on the Millionaire
Show at ABC and is now looking for other options. See her information below.
If you know of anyone that might be connected to the field, it would be much


From: Alissa Horowitz [mailto:alissa.horowitz at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:23 PM
To: Ester Horowitz
Subject: What I do


Producer/Shooter with experience in casting, field & post production seeks
employment as an associate, field or segment producer for fiction and
non-fiction television. Past credits include MTV, ESPN, CBS & ABC. Email at
alissa.horowitz at gmail.com. 

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