[Fredslist] Ride The Circuit With NY Women on 11/20 and Hear Our Guest Speaker - Phyllis Weiss Haserot

Nancy Schess nschess at kleinzelman.com
Mon Nov 17 15:46:55 EST 2008

If you have ever thought about visiting with Gotham's NY Women, this
Thursday (11/20) would be a great time to do so.

We are pleased to have Phyllis Weiss Haserot joining us to lead a
discussion about "Inter-Generational Hot Spots - And What to Do About
Them".   See Phyllis' description below and please bring your questions!
In fact, you can even submit your questions to me in advance so that
Phyllis will make sure to cover them.

If you would like to join us, please email either me or Victoria Drogin (
victoria at mindshiftresources.com) so that we can clear any conflicts.  Look
forward to seeing you there.

           Inter-Generational Hot Spots - and What to Do About Them

           Generational attributes are one of the key determinants of
           behavior in the workplace. Differences are causing frustration
           and even emotional pain. Why is this important to business? It
           may hinder productivity, retention,  attraction and development
           of talent and the success of an organization as a culturally
           cohesive unit.

           Gothamite Phyllis Weiss Haserot, inter-generational challenge
           expert and president of Practice Development Counsel will help
           us understand generational differences and give tips for
           managing those differences through recognizing similarities and
           common goals. Bring your questions and generational stories!

Nancy B. Schess, Esq.
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue - 15th Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel: (212) 935-6020 x219
Fax: (212) 753-8101
nschess at kleinzelman.com

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