[Fredslist] Next Read for 12/11 Online Discussion

Julie julie2k at optonline.net
Thu Nov 13 14:40:29 EST 2008

The Gotham Book Club will be reading A MONK JUMPED OVER A WALL by Jay Nussbaum.  Gotham co-founder, Nancy Schess, and Gotham member, Richard Vecchio, both know Jay from Law School and suggested we consider reading his book.  Here is link to Jay's website: www.jaynussbaum.com

We look forward to an exciting discussion with Jay on Thursday, December 11th.

Here is the link for the discussion: http://www.gothamnetworking.com/goth/index.php/books/

The book jacket summarizes A MONK JUMPED OVER A WALL:

      "J.J. Spencer is one of the many hungry young lawyers eager to climb the corporate ladder to the great future awaiting him. With his first annual review approaching, J.J. is confident his keen work for the top Manhattan law firm he is employed by will be praised all the way to the bank. Until, that is, he gives in to a sudden surge of compassion during a chance encounter at a diner.

      "J.J. discovers how swiftly no good deed goes unpunished: the consequences of his generous impulse snowball and before he knows it, J.J. Spencer has been beaten bloody, arrested for drunk driving, and fired from his job. His perfect life seemingly over, J.J. decides he must dedicate himself to helping the very people who unwittingly lost him everything. It is through that journey-and the surprising battles contained therein-that a new life is allowed to rise from the ashes of the old, and J.J. emerges as the man he always should have been.

      "Jay Nussbaum follows up his critically acclaimed debut novel, Blue Road to Atlantis, with another captivating, elegant and humorous tale. Where his first work explored the importance of discovering your place in the world, A Monk Jumped Over a Wall examines the fate of those who don't.
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