[Fredslist] FW: Kudos to Sergio Fernandez deCordova and the Best Outdoor Advertising Company in the US

Joel Schnur joel at schnurassociates.com
Tue Nov 11 10:14:22 EST 2008

One of my clients, The Brain Tumor Foundation, has been using the usual
media outlets to advertise its annual Brain Tumor Awareness Day-print, radio
and some billboards. Of course, we would only use Fuel Outdoor,LLC because
of Sergio. 

This year we decided to increase the number of billboards and panel
advertising around town while cutting back on the other two mediums. Boy,
have we been inundated with calls like never before! 

So, if you want to get your message out to the largest audience possible at
a reasonable cost anywhere in the USA, just give Sergio a call and rest
assured of getting the job done.

Sign me as a "Most Satisfied Customer."

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