[Fredslist] Have you written a book?

Gil Effron gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
Fri Nov 7 13:07:22 EST 2008

FRED JUST POSTED THIS FROM his Blackberry, but inadvertently omitted my
email address. 
Here's what we're looking for: If you have written and published a book,
please email the title, author, and a brief description to me at
<mailto:gil at strategiesforgrowth.net> gil at strategiesforgrowth.net. We're
making a list! Thanks. Gil 
P.S. If you haven't, plan to attend Gotham SOLO. See below. 
Fred wrote: 
You've probably seen the Gotham SOLO announcement about their next meeting
on Monday, November 17. 
The guest speaker is Liz Lynch. Liz is founder of the Center for Networking
Excellence. However, she won't be talking about networking. 
She'll be telling her story about how she wrote her book entitled "Smart
Networking: Attract a Following In Person and Online," and found a major
publisher (McGraw-Hill) to publish it and take it to market all within only
4-1/2 months. 
If you have a book in you, you might enjoy attending this meeting. 
But it got me thinking. How many books do we have already in Gotham written
by members? 
Let's make a list. 
If you have already written a book that has been printed, send the title and
description to  gil at strategiesforgrowth.net. (We'll define a book as any
book having an ISBN number.) 
We'll add these book titles to the website and maybe start a library. 

Gil Effron
Strategies For Growth
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 449
New York, New York 10165
212-505-4339 or 800-226-2428
347-920-3272 finds me anywhere, anytime!
Don't Just Watch The Gap... Eliminate It!
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