[Fredslist] [PROMO] Your Elders Are In Danger

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Fri Nov 7 09:22:25 EST 2008

> Dear Fellow Gothamites:
> Hospitals today face ever increasing pressure to quickly discharge  
> their elderly patients to “rehab”, which is a code word for a  
> nursing home, and in most cases that facility will be a sub-standard  
> one. Many Gothamites have heard me speak about this, as I ride the  
> circuit a lot. Those fortunate Gothamites who have used my services  
> (names available upon request) have experienced very personally what  
> I speak about. Many more will testify to my proven results.
> For those who have not seen my pretty face at your group, or read my  
> blog at www.myelderadvocateblog.com, here are just a few facts you  
> should know for yourself and for your clients.
> FACT:  If an elder enters a hospital with say, a broken hip or a  
> stroke they will receive poor to mediocre care at best. This fact  
> applies to many hospitals. I’ve seen it at Cornell, NYU, LIJ- 
> Northshore and many others, not just inner city or city hospitals.  
> The hospitals view these patients, as people who are in transit.  
> They will be going to a nursing home quickly and their problems are  
> all age related, and routine. Chances are that your loved ones will  
> not receive any specialized care or ever see a geriatric specialist.
> If they can’t feed themselves, and you are not there to feed them,  
> they won’t eat. If they can’t transfer to the bathroom or use a  
> bedpan, diapers will be used. These diapers will not be changed  
> frequently, which could then lead to decubitus ulcers (bedsores). If  
> they are agitated or combative they will be put on psychotropic  
> drugs. You get the picture.
> FACT:  Almost as soon as your loved one enters a hospital, the  
> discharge process will begin. Soon you will asked, cajoled, and  
> harassed to choose three or five nursing homes from a list of  
> nursing homes in your area (or in many cases within a fifty mile  
> radius). The discharge planner or case manager as they are sometimes  
> called might even threaten that if you don’t choose one, they may  
> choose one for you. They will ask you to sign the sheet with your  
> choices. DON’T SIGN. If you do, you might receive a call from a  
> nursing home telling you that your parent is there. They are  
> supposed to inform you before the discharge, but they generally  
> don’t. They will feign a bureaucratic mishap.
> FACT:  75% of the nursing homes in this country are sub-standard  
> (especially in NY). Most of the rest range from dangerous to  
> mediocre. Maybe 5% are great. Anyone who tells you different has  
> never been to any of these facilities. Your loved one might get an  
> hour of good rehabilitation therapy, but in most of these facilities  
> their lives are in extreme danger. You need to be present all the  
> time or get an advocate.
> FACT: As soon as your elder enters a hospital or nursing home THEY  
> NEED AN ADVOCATE. Even if you are there all the time they need  
> protection. The powers to be will not deal with you. They damn well   
> deal with me. I get results. I protect the elderly. I save lives  
> every day. I am a FIXER and I have a 100% success rate and there is  
> no one in this country like me. I'm not conceited just very  
> passionate about what I do. I provide my services across the country.
>  I offer a 10% discount to Gotham members and their families. If you  
> send your clients to me they will remain your clients forever. Thank  
> you.
>  Warm wishes,
> Jack

Jack Halpern, CEO
My Elder Advocate
jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com



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