[Fredslist] Golf Outing

Heidi Simon hsimon111 at optonline.net
Wed May 21 13:44:33 EDT 2008

I want to thank you Norman & the rest of your committee for putting on a
fantastic event on Monday. 


It was my very first time playing golf and I had a blast! 


My team and I played all 18 holes despite the rain and cold and had many


Even the head of my club flying off in the distance didn't deter me.I had a
few really great shots, and bunch of not so great shots, but I am now
available for more scramble ;)


I know it's a year away   -or is it Fred? -    but I encourage anyone who
has never played before to attend next years outing.


You won't be disappointed!


Scott, James & Leigh, thanks for sharing :-)


Warm regards,


Heidi Simon

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