[Fredslist] Get featured in The New York Enterprise Report!

Robert Levin rlevin at nyreport.com
Tue May 20 12:22:07 EDT 2008

The New York Enterprise Report (www. <http://www.nyreport.com>
nyreport.com) has launched a new column about you. Page 7: Your News is
the tri-state area small-business community's source for news about
product launches, new executive hires and moves, awards/honors, coverage
in major media outlets, and big deals (businesses sold, businesses
purchased, mergers, and relocations). Is there something exciting
happening in your business? We want to know. To be considered for
publication, provide contact information for all parties mentioned --
information will be fact checked -- and date of the newsworthy item.
Announcements will be chosen by the editorial staff and edited for
length and content. Submission does not guarantee publication. Visit
nyreport.com/howtocontribute for more details. No phone calls, please.
Contact: email submissions to page7 at nyreport.com. 
If you are not receiving The New York Enterprise Report, you can sign up
for a free subscription here:  www.nyreport.com/gotham

Robert Levin


The New York Enterprise Report

phone: (212) 307-6760 x707

fax: (212) 937-2430

rlevin at nyreport.com <mailto:rlevin at nyreport.com> 

nyreport.com <http://www.nyreport.com/> 


Find out what NY Report is all about: www.nyreport.com/community


Join me on May 31st at YAI's Central Park Challenge.  For more info,
visit my personal page at http://support.yai.org/goto/rlevin
<http://support.yai.org/goto/rlevin> .  

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