[Fredslist] Letters for Lisa - T-Mobile Update

JanPresent at aol.com JanPresent at aol.com
Fri Mar 28 16:34:58 EDT 2008

Friday - 4:20 PM EDT
Thus far all of your incredible letters, emails and telephone calls have  
resulted is someone named "Judy" in the T-Mobile President's office, "looking  
into the situation."  Given the time difference between Bellevue, WA and  
Nairobi, I am willing to afford them a little additional leeway.
However, if we do not have a positive outcome soon, I have advised their  
office that our next move will be to advise the media, TV, newspaper, radio,  
Internet etc. and not to underestimate the power of Gotham.
Fred, as President of Gotham, sent his own email to reiterate and  reinforce 
My husband and I leave for the far east on Tuesday but I have opted to take  
a computer with me. to make sure we do not drop the ball. In between times,  
please think of how we can get to the local TV stations with their equivalents  
of "Help Me Howard" or Ask Asa". If it is not resolved soon, we need to  
embarrass T-Mobile to NYC audiences.
Thank you and bless you for all your help thus far. I am more determined  
than ever. 
Jane  W. Present
799 Park Avenue
New York,  NY 10021
Phone: 212-988-7602
Fax: 212-988-7315
E-mail  janpresent at aol.com

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