[Fredslist] Big 'Thank You' to The Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust

Richard Klein rdk at millerconsulting.net
Tue Mar 11 15:53:27 EDT 2008

Jeff Crowther (Gotham Open House) is a trustee of the Welles Remy
Crowther Charitable Trust.  If you don't know the story behind the
organization, come to an Open House meeting and listen; it's truly


Through a very generous donation, The Welles Remy Crowther Charitable
Trust recently became a Field Level Sponsor for the Just One Soccer
League; an organized soccer league for underprivileged youth in Newark,
NJ, of which I am a board member and youth coach.


Details will follow announcing the selection of The Welles Remy Crowther
Charitable Trust as Gotham Open House's Charity of Choice through
Gotham's own foundation.


Thank you to Jeff for this generous gift and for all he and the Trust do
to honor his son's memory.


Best Regards,


Rich Klein

The Miller Consulting Group, Inc.

575 Lexington Ave.

23rd Floor

New York, NY 10022

O: 212.843.8888 ext. 101

F: 212.888.8438


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