[Fredslist] Linked - In....I don't get it

Raj Goel raj at brainlink.com
Sun Mar 2 14:01:24 EST 2008


   Just a small correction:

   In Gotham, you never know who-knows-whom until you talk to them.

   On LinkedIn, you KNOW who-they-know, but not the depth of the relationship.

   E.g., I know everyone you know based on their profile.  I just don't know how well you know them, the last time you interacted with them and whether you'd introduce me to them.

  The two combined - Gotham + Linkedin (or BNI + LinkedIn or temple + linked in, etc.) Is where the power multiplies.

Rajesh Goel, CISSP
cell (917) 685-7731
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
"IT Crisis Management and Solutions"
PCI-DSS Credit Card, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley & GLBA Information Security Compliance 

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Halpert <ybillc at optonline.net>

Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 09:51:29 
To:'Christopher Lamal' <clamal at lamal-law.com>,'Judy Mines' <jmines at rvminc.com>, rbrenner at brennerassociates.net,fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: RE: [Fredslist] Linked - In....I don't get it

Chris, I could not agree with you more. I nave been in Linked-In over a year
and only accept Linked-In invites from people I know and trust. 


Here's a great true Linked-In story: 


A few weeks ago John, a networking friend of mine, also in Linked-In, had a
specific company he was interested in speaking to about his printing
services but needed an intro to someone he could speak with in a serous
manner, without having to make a cold call. He knew he needed to speak to
Nick at the company, searched for Nick on Linked-In and found that Nick and
I were connected my Linked-In circle of colleagues.


John called me, asked me to speak to Nick on his behalf, I reacquainted with
Nick as we haven't been in touch for a few months, and then five minutes
later John called Nick. The two have been doing business ever since. 


So, Linked-In works.  As with Gotham, you never know who knows whom.


Thanks and best regards,

Marc W. Halpert


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P Think of the environment  

Do You Really Need to Print This Email?


From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
[mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of Christopher
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 6:14 PM
To: 'Judy Mines'; rbrenner at brennerassociates.net;
fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: RE: [Fredslist] Linked - In....I don't get it


I take strong exception to the author's first suggestion.  One of the
fundamental principles of Linked-In is that you should only offer links to,
and accept links from, people you already know and can vouch for. That's the
whole point of the system and what makes the links valuable.   It's not
supposed to be used as a tool for trolling for people you don't know but
want to contact (except, of course, through mutual contacts).  That's an
abuse of the system and cheapens the value of your Linked-In network.  I've
received several link invitations from people I've only met at some
gathering and really don't know, and I have declined their invitations for
that very reason.  It's important to maintain the integrity of the system. 


For those interested in finding out about Linked-In, just go to its web
site: www.linkedin.com



-----Original Message-----
From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
[mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of Judy Mines
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 12:10 PM
To: rbrenner at brennerassociates.net; fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: RE: [Fredslist] Linked - In....I don't get it (corrected version)

This might help with peoples questions about linked in, I received this

This article was written by Nancy Fox.





Leveraging Linked-In:


5 Ways to Use Linked-In 

To Grow Your Practice or Business


In March, Law Practice Magazine will be featuring my article on leveraging
your online opportunities, as part of their regular "5 Things to Grow Your
Business" series. Below, I drill down specifically on using Linked-In
because it is a hot property and people are using it more and more. I don't
want my professional service readers left behind in cyber-dust. 

1. Do a search for people in targeted fields, positions, i.e. key decision
makers. Ask them to join your network. You may have to dig around for their
email addresses. If nothing else, you will gain some additional information
about these decision makers simply from their profiles. Ask them about their
business, learn what's happening in their companies, where they network,
what publications or websites they read. 


2. Develop a targeted group of contacts in your field and start connecting
each other. Help others expand each of THEIR networks.


3. Invite people in your network to ask others in their networks to an
on-line networking "event" or discussion group. Better yet, use this to
invite them to a free teleclass or webinar that you lead. No need to be
invited to speak somewhere. You can be your own speaker's bureau.


4. Increase your "list" and send out a monthly tip sheet in your area of
specialty just for your  Linked-In contacts. They can then send it to their


5. Look through the people in your contacts' networks. Select 3-5 people
each month you believe would be good to know and request an introduction
from your contacts. Your network will grow exponentially and virally. Do the
same for them.


Linked-In isn't perfect, but it does provide lots of opportunities, many of
them untapped. It takes a bit of thought, and little time to get used to the


It took me a couple of years to "get" the power of these connections. Once
you get into it, you will be surprised how many F*R*E*E business development
chips you've been leaving on the table. 



Nancy Fox is President of Fox Coaching Associates, a coaching and training
firm specializing in assisting professionals and business owners nationwide
"make rain without the pain."  She has worked with hundreds of legal and
other professionals in leveraging contacts, building successful
relationships in business, and making lots of rain.



Judy Mines

jmines at rvminc.com


eDiscovery and Litigation Support Specialists

75 Broad Street 5th floor

New York, NY 10004

Phone (212) 693-1525

Fax (212) 693-0166

Cell (646) 436-0127

Website www.rvminc.com


-----Original Message-----
From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
[mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of Rand Brenner
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 9:59 AM
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: [Fredslist] Linked - In....I don't get it (corrected version)


 Before the last (correction) Marketing & Communications Meeting, we we're

discussing networking and the topic of using linked-in came up...with the

ususal question...."what is this linked-in.. I keep getting invites, but

don't understand it".


Fred was on hand for that meeting, and of course in his infinite wisdom

suggested I drop a note...maybe what we need is a gathering of the linked-in

challenged to discuss this very question.


Rand Brenner

Brenner & Associates

Tel:  (800) 204-6584

Fax: (646) 530-8648

Cel: (646) 361-0191

rbrenner at brennerassociates.net








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