[Fredslist] Launch of Gotham Charitable Forum (f/k/a "Gotham Charitable Group")

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Fri Jun 13 17:48:30 EDT 2008

Again the Gotham mantra that it is better to give than to receive was  
proven in a big way. Chris Lamal organized a wonderful and powerful  
luncheon with attendees from all types of great charities. There was  
no solicitation, no promoting our businesses, or even distribution of  
our business cards. It was 1 1/2 hour of giving and learning how to  
get better at giving. Chris is extremely knowledgeable and gave us a  
great insight into the world of fundraising.

Gotham members are among the most giving and generous individuals  
around. I am proud to be a member. Thank you, Chris and Fred for  
putting this together.

Warm wishes,

On Jun 12, 2008, at 2:29 AM, Christopher Lamal wrote:

> Well, we had a great turnout for Gotham's inaugural Charitable Forum  
> luncheon on Tuesday.  There were 24 people who attended, including  
> both Gotham members and guests.
> The variety of community organizations represented was both  
> fascinating and impressive.  Attendees included founders, directors,  
> staff and volunteers at organizations ranging from Ronald McDonald  
> House and Hope Lodges (which are something like Ronald McDonald  
> Houses for adults), to a Soho theatre company (Judy Mauer) and the  
> Aspen Wind Quintet to an organization helping kids from  
> disadvantaged backgrounds find career paths (Anne Bonfiglio), to  
> organizations addressing the needs of the aged (Jack Halpern), and  
> Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, to name just a few.
> Also attending were many Gothamites and guests who were not actively  
> involved but were nevertheless interested and experienced in  
> community service.  Everyone with an interest in community service  
> or in issues confronting non-profits is always welcome to join us.
> One of the Gothamites who attended was Vince DeRogatis.  Vince is  
> establishing a new organization to provide wounded  vets returning  
> from Afghanistan and Iraq who are undergoing rehab back here in the  
> US with concrete signs of moral support through the distribution of  
> gift packages.  As has been widely reported in the press, these  
> seriously wounded vets too often "fall through the cracks" once they  
> have been discharged, even though they and their families remain in  
> serious need of continuing moral, emotional and material support.   
> Go Vince!
> A special guest at the luncheon was Claire Altman, the executive  
> director of ReServe (www.reserveinc.org) , an organization founded  
> just a couple years ago that helps connect skilled adults who can  
> commit 10-15 hours of service per week with local charities and  
> community and educational organizations that have need for their  
> expertise.  Participants are paid a stipend of $10 per hour (even  
> retired investment bankers who participate in the program are paid  
> the hourly stipend), and their work schedule is whatever they work  
> out with the organziations they are working with.
> Claire mentioned in particular that ReServe would welcome inquiries  
> from community and other non-profit organziations that could benefit  
> from its services.
> Another subject of discussion at the luncheon was the IRS's newly  
> promulgated guidelines for corporate governance for exempt  
> organizations and how those guidelines are reflected in the newly  
> revised Form 990 return that exempt organizations need to begin  
> filing beginning next year. Those guidelines present special  
> challenges, especially for small and medium-sized organizations and,  
> as we discussed, may make it more difficult for some charities to  
> recruit members to serve on their boards.
> Gothamite Eric Miller told us about a new planned giving product he  
> and his colleagues at Miller Consulting Group have recently  
> developed that could be of great interest to non-profits that are  
> seeking to increase their planned giving base and that would provide  
> benefitis to the donor as well.
> We also discussed mausoleum investment opportunities.
> Best,
> Chris Lamal
> __________________________
> Christopher T. Lamal
> Lamal Law Office
> 1040 Avenue of the Americas
> 11th Floor
> New York, NY 10018
> Tel:  212-302-0410
> Fax: 646-435-9221
> www.lamal-law.com
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> Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com

Jack Halpern, CEO
My Elder Advocate
jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com



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