[Fredslist] Promo: Sales Make It Happen

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Fri Jan 18 06:51:23 EST 2008

Sales Make it Happen --- by Adrian Miller

“Getting it Done in 2008”

By Adrian Miller
Adrian Miller Sales Training

You're busy. Countless bits of information are competing for your  
valuable time. So I'll get right to the point. 2008 is the year  
you're going to get it done. Congratulations, in advance.

And just in case you need a refresher on what it is, it's this:  
increasing sales, improving performance, achieving workplace harmony,  
strengthening mindshare and, of course, transforming your customers  
into loyal, long-term fans.

Sound like a tall order? It's not; not when you focus on changing  
what matters. And in case you need another refresher on what matters,  
here we go:

•  make productivity MATTER; no more abstract guessing whether  
things are heading in the right, or the wrong, direction

•  don't merely treat your customers “as you would want to be  
treated;” treat them as influential agents who will ultimately  
determine your long-term success (because that's really what they are)

•  remember this formula: high touch + low pressure = you staying on  
your prospects' grid forever

•  offer your prospects and clients something for nothing; give them  
a feel-good reason to do business with you

•  differentiate or DIE; it doesn't have to be the product or  
service you offer, but HOW you offer it

•  play nicely with your co-workers; there are enough toys when  
everyone productively cooperates, but never enough when people  
destructively compete

There you have it. Six ways to get it done in 2008, and put you in a  
position to get it done for years to come.

Adrian Miller Sales Training
516-445-1135 (cell)

See my book: The Blatant Truth: 50 Ways to Sales Success" at

Read my newest article at The New York Enterprise Report:  http:// 

"What if we train them and they leave? What if we don't train them  
and they stay?"

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