[Fredslist] Linked - In....I don't get it (corrected version)

Raj Goel raj at brainlink.com
Fri Feb 29 11:25:19 EST 2008

Rand, Gothamites,

	That's a great idea!

	I've been using LinkedIn for several years -- perhaps a Gotham LinkedIn 
panel ??

	I know that several gothamites are phenomenal linked-iners.  Anyone 
else want to join me on the panel?

-- Raj

Rajesh Goel, CISSP
cell (917) 685-7731
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
"IT Crisis Management and Solutions"
HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley & GLBA Information Security Compliance

Rand Brenner wrote:
>  Before the last (correction) Marketing & Communications Meeting, we we're
> discussing networking and the topic of using linked-in came up...with the
> ususal question...."what is this linked-in.. I keep getting invites, but
> don't understand it".
> Fred was on hand for that meeting, and of course in his infinite wisdom
> suggested I drop a note...maybe what we need is a gathering of the linked-in
> challenged to discuss this very question.
> Rand Brenner
> Brenner & Associates
> Tel:  (800) 204-6584
> Fax: (646) 530-8648
> Cel: (646) 361-0191
> rbrenner at brennerassociates.net
> www.brennerassociates.net
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