[Fredslist] Looking for Contact in the Los Angeles Entertainment Legal Community...

jeff n jeffnosanov at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 26 21:59:06 EST 2008

Eric Fong, a friend and fellow third year law student at my school (New York Law School) would be thrilled if anyone could help him get a foot in the door at any of the following Entertainment law firms in LA:

Weissman Wolff, Christensen Glaser, Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, Leopold Petrich & Smith, Ziffren Brittenham, Grubman Indursky,  Hansen Jacobson, Hirsch Wallerstein, Jackoway Tyerman,  Barnes Morris, or Gang Tyre.

If any Gothamites had any connections with any of the above firms (or any other Entertainment Law firm that my friend might have forgotten), please contact me or him directly at efong05 at nyls.edu.

Much appreciated,

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