[Fredslist] Great joint meeting - Gotham Green & Diversity

Gail Koelln gkgrantwriting at verizon.net
Tue Feb 26 08:49:27 EST 2008

Dear all:


I just want to add my voice to the chorus celebrating the wonderful joint
meeting with Gotham Green and Diversity last Thursday.  The energy in the
room was palpable and Fred did a fantastic job of making sure both featured
speakers and all participants got their chance to shine.  I know I made many
new, exciting connections that day.  Thanks to all who made this great
meeting possible, especially Jack, Glen, Kelly, Isidro, and Fred.


Best wishes,



Gail Koelln


GK Grant Writing

82-52 211 Street

Hollis Hills, NY 11427

phone (718) 776-7284

fax (718) 776-9806

email gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com or gkgrantwriting at verizon.net



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