[Fredslist] Gotham Bus To Boston

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Tue Feb 19 10:44:02 EST 2008

Matt Silver, in the true giving spirit of Gotham, has extended us the Gotham Discount of all discounts (50%). A 28 person bus will cost us $1600 or less than $60/partyperson for a round trip to Boston and back. Can we fill it?  Should I make the deal?  Please let me know. The destination is the Boston Cocktail Party on Thursday night April 10th. We will return that night. I imagine the bus trip being at least as much fun as the party if the trip to last year's New Haven Cocktail party is any barometer. Please let me know. We will set up credit card payment on the web site if the initial response warrents it. 
Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

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