[Fredslist] Coach is a Syracuse Grad

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Tue Feb 5 09:24:59 EST 2008

See below. 
Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Jane Henn" <jhenn at syr.edu>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 09:15:16 
To:<fklein at legal.org>
Subject: RE: On another topic

Tom Coughlin got a bachelor's degree in 1968 fro A&S and a master's from Education in 1969.  Played football as an undergrad and was also was on football coaching staff at SU at about the same time.


Jane Henn
Lubin House
-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Klein [mailto:fklein at legal.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 9:02 AM
To: Jane Henn
Subject: Re: On another topic

What years for Coach?  Under grad?
Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Jane Henn" <jhenn at syr.edu>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 07:20:54 
To:<RuthinMn at aol.com>, <SUMMALEAD at aol.com>
Cc:<fklein at kleinzelman.com>, <arbradel at yahoo.com>,       "Louise C Wilkinson" <lwilkin at syr.edu>,       "Lonnie Morrison" <lmorriso at syr.edu>
Subject: Re: On another topic

And don't forget that Tyree (and Coach Coighlin) are SU alums!!!!!
 Jane Henn
 ----- Original Message -----
 From: RuthinMn at aol.com <RuthinMn at aol.com>
 To: SUMMALEAD at aol.com <SUMMALEAD at aol.com>
 Cc: fklein at kleinzelman.com <fklein at kleinzelman.com>; arbradel at yahoo.com <arbradel at yahoo.com>; Louise C Wilkinson; Jane Henn; Lonnie Morrison
 Sent: Mon Feb 04 21:40:59 2008
 Subject: On another topic
 Hi Jane,
     Congrats on the Giants' fantastic win!  I'm a Jets fan and I even loved the win and the tremendously exciting game (Eli to Tyree, on third-and-five, down by 4 points with a minute and a half to go. . Wow!).
     On to another topic of interest. In talking with a number of people, the subject of what's going on at the high school to address its low grade has come up repeatedly.  I can't say that I know.  What I can say is that I and others would really appreciate if you would request (if you haven't already done so) that Frank and the gang give us a report and update on this topic as part of their regular report at the next meeting. I know I'm interested in hearing both what's being done to improve the learning and performance of the lowest performing students, as well as what's being done to receive a higher grade in the future. The two may not necessarily be the same, or even overlapping.
     As I understand it, what the school is doing now, this semester, to address the issues will be the basis for our grade and evaluation next year. Correct me if I'm wrong. Since we, the Friends, have such a great interest in things going well for all our students, I believe that a regular report on the topic is worthwhile.
     And I'd appreciate it if, in asking Frank, you wouldn't forward my email, but would please compose a new one. You understand.
         Take care,
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