[Fredslist] Medicaid budget impact

sfzinder at aol.com sfzinder at aol.com
Mon Dec 15 19:26:19 EST 2008

Gotham - In contemplating tomorrow's anticipated cuts to Medicaid - I had the following thought - - while I, and many of you, who can keep our charity contributions consistent with last year intend to - - it would be good if we all kept in mind our local community hospitals.

Our community hospitals don't have the high profile of some of the academic medical centers (which do great work) - but they strive to provide quality care to their patients and they frequently do so without a steady or reliable philanthropic base (and I am talking before the current recession, let alone the impact the recession will have) and with frequently limited resources.? The anticipated Medicaid cuts will devastate the hospitals, particularly the community hospitals which will be forced to close many programs upon which their communities' rely.? 

So... when you contemplate your contributions at the end of the year - a donation to your community hospital may not be research oriented and won't result in an earth changing program - but may just help keep a community service open for a few more weeks or months - and that may be its own blessing to a needy patient.

Susan Zinder

P.S.? If you need a deserving community hospital to donate to - I will be donating to my employer, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center (www.kingsbrook.org)
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