[Fredslist] Fw: Thanks for meeting with me yesterday and information on my video archive

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Tue Dec 9 14:33:18 EST 2008

Bruce is an interesting individual. Please see below and see if you can make a match. Thanks. 
------Original Message------
From: Bruce Morris
To: Fred Klein
Sent: Dec 9, 2008 2:15 PM
Subject: Thanks for meeting with me yesterday and information on my video archive

Dear Fred:

Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me yesterday

It was particularly glad to learn that we both have a great passion
for the entertainment industry.
As we discussed, I recently ran Ross Reports, part of Nielsen Business
Media and I'm looking for
the opportunity to connect with another job that is more related to
the television industry.
I'm interested in something along the lines of television research or
archiving, or even perhaps
scheduling or programming.

In addition to my working experience, I have also assisted Nash
Entertainment in the past with
archive footage for the Before They Were Stars specials they did for
ABC, and also helped
E! Entertainment Television when they were looking for background
information on the
evolution of the FOX series 24.

I have an extensive collection of television programming on video that
spans over thirty years,
which I am currently dubbing to DVD.

Any leads or referrals to individuals who might be hiring and looking
for someone with my
background would be really appreciated.

Many Thanks,


Bruce Morris
tvmonitor at myexcel.com

Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

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